Thursday, November 26, 2015

Sample Affidavit of Financial Capacity

Affidavit of Financial Capacity (Sample)

I, Mithun Biswas, S/o. Md Kanu Biswas, Address: 125, Kajir Dewri, Chittagong,Bangladesh, by Profession: Student, by Faith-Hindu, by Nationality- Bangladeshi by birth, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:-

1. That I am permanent resident and citizen of Bangladesh by birth.

2. That I have been accepted to a 1 year full-time Course titled “Professional Diploma in Legal Study” in Academic Session: January 2016 at the “Sydney International Law College” 244-254 Sydney Heath Road, Sydney, Australia , by the competent authority.

3. That I am financially solvent enough and I assure to provide my all expenditure to be incurred in connection with my desired study in Australia from my own financial capabilities as follows:- 

I have been maintaining Bank Account as follows:-

Name of Bank/Institution
Account Details/Certificates Details
Amount (in BD Taka)
Amount in USD (1 USD= Tk. 80)
Prime Bank Ltd.
New Market,Chittagong Branch
AC No: 301070/1558
Tk. 80,00000
$ 1,00000

Source of Income

Particular of Sources
Monthly Income
Yearly Income in BDT
Yearly Income in USD
Income from House Rent
Tk. 80,000
Other Income
Tk. 20,000

4. That I am financially solvent enough and I declare and promise that I shall bear my all kinds of expenses whatever amount  may reasonably require to go to Australia, to stay there for the course period and to come back to Bangladesh wherever and whenever necessary.

5. That on completion of my Study in Australia, I will come back to Bangladesh at my own expense/arrangement, and under any circumstance I shall not claim any compensation to the Government of the Australia or of the Bangladesh.

6. That the statement made above is completely true and correct and I have concealed nothing in it and no part of it is false. To this effect, I set my hand to this Affidavit on Financial Capacity Certificate on the 18th day of November, 2015.

                                                                                        Signature of the Deponent

The deponent is known to me and identified by me and he has signed this affidavit in my presence.

                                                                                                      Adv.Pankaj Biswas

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